Fave books on selflove

Photo by Katherine Chase

Photo by Katherine Chase

I love reading. I read fiction, cookbooks, restaurant menu’s (yes menu’s) and most of all, I read spiritual books.

Here are some of my favorites:

  • The power of now / Eckhart Tolle

    I have read this one, guestimation, over 50 times now. My ultimate favorite! Centers me always. This book got me through the hardest of times. This book is everything to me.

  • A new earth / Eckhart Tolle

    Great starter into Ego/pain and how it takes over your life. This book was a MAJOR breakthrough for me. Aha moments all over the place. This book broke me open!

  • The surrender experiment / Micheal A, Singer

    My inspiration for surrendering my life even more completely to a greater force. To let life live through me.

  • Spiritual partnership / Gary Zukav

    This book deepened the spiritual partnership with my husband and a MAJOR insight of feeling through emotions and locating it in my body so I could release them.

  • The path made clear / Oprah Winfrey

    I’m an Oprah baby. I was raised by this woman as so many of us. The Oprah show was my favorite show since I was 11. I remember fighting (yes always been highly spiritual :) with my younger brothers to let me watch Oprah instead of their cartoons. Miss Oprah is one WISE woman. I just basically do everything she says. She KNOWS stuff. This book is all the wisdom put together for you to go on your own journey of becoming your best self. Love, love, love it.

  • Return to love / Marianne Williamson

    I use the lessons from this book every single day. My intention is to always return to love. To be brave enough to choose love over fear. Over and over, I try again and again. Must read! Gamechanger. Changed the way I love. I live with way more love. Every choice I stand before, I ask myself where is the love? And I try to follow the choice that points to love.

  • Daring greatly, Dare to Lead, Braving the willderness, Rising strong / Brené Brown

    So many amazing insights. In every one of them life and relationship changing aha moments. One of the favorites being, '‘The story in my head” - tool and shifting the conversation from being right/wrong to understanding each other. These communication skills changed all of my relationships and made hard conversations way kinder! Love Brené.

  • Seven spiritual laws of succes / Deepak Chopra

    I read in an interview that Deepak hasn’t been angry in over 30 years. I feel it in his words. This man is calm and deeply wise. He talks about the laws of life, energy. A very inspiring book. It gave me insight to why sometimes life just seems to flow and why it gets stuck. Where I get in the way. So tiny and yet so full and deep.

  • Ask and it is given / Esther Hicks

    Currently reading this one. It’s on the law of attraction. On how the way you feel, is what you’re gonna attract. Becoming a magnet to what you desire, by having fun and feeling joyful. Low energy attracts low energy. High energy attracts high energy. I’m all about joy and fun, so totally fan of this idea!

  • The conscious parent / Dr Shefali Tsabary

    I am actually reading about kids and consciousness, not yet because I am a mom (although I am an Auntie Mama), cause I would like to teach kids life and love skills. I want them to know being themselves is their gift to the world. Dr Shefali is amazing on being conscious with your kids and foremost yourself, the parent. She reminds us to be aware of our own ego coming up in parenting. Must read if you want to parent consciously.

  • Becoming supernatural / Dr Joe Dispenza

    I do Dr Joe’s meditation every morning, since having attended his event (2016). His book is a great reflection of the stories and wisdom he shares at his workshops. The meditations have been beyond life changing. They have been soul expanding, if that’s a thing :).


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