Auntie Mama

My boyband Vince, Alex, Fong, Jun and lead girl Alice.  Proud Auntie Mama to all the kiddies.

My boyband Vince, Alex, Fong, Jun and lead girl Alice. Proud Auntie Mama to all the kiddies.

I am a proud Auntie Mama to many little boys and a couple of little girls. That’s the upside of being from a culture where everybody is.. well.. in everybody’s business. I get to be in theirs haha! This is the only area where I stake a claim. The kiddies.

I have claimed them to be a bit of my own. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE and ADORE them!! They are the biggest deepest purest joys of my life and my heart. There is no greater joy than kiddies joy.

A couple of weeks ago, one of them called me Auntie Mama, just out of the blue. He was laughing and maybe a bit kidding around. And it hit me, that is exactly what I am, Auntie Mama. A little bit their extra mama. Like they are my bonus gifts of children.

The youngest, born just this december, baby girl Mila. Cutie!

The youngest, born just this december, baby girl Mila. Cutie!

Okay, one more :). Kiddies pyramid aka joy pyramid.

Okay, one more :). Kiddies pyramid aka joy pyramid.


Food love


Thank you Family