Food love

Watercolor drawing by Anna Hu

Watercolor drawing by Anna Hu


This painting of dim sum, is one of my own. It’s part of a series I was intending to be a postcards series about Amsterdam. Where I live and a city that I absolutely adore since I was a little kid. Yet I keep painting food! Cause that’s just where my heart goes to. It’s one of my biggest joys in life. Great yummy delicious food. So probably it’s gonna turn into a food postcards series?! I have no control, the heart wants what the heart wants!

Coming from a Chinese family, who are obsessed with food too, food was super important. It’s almost like a language, a way to say I love you, I care. At breakfast, we’re talking about what’s for lunch, and during lunch, we’re talking about what we’re gonna eat for diner. The most frequently asked question in our family is probably: Have you eaten? Foodie family, it’s just in the genes.


Intention for 2020


Auntie Mama