My love and spiritual partner

Me and my husband Jack

Me and my husband Jack

My amazing soul connection hubby, Jack. I’m so grateful for our beautiful life together. He is my hero.

He has really been there for me through thick and thin. He cared for me during my illness of a decade. He cooked, he cleaned, helped me shower and washed my hair, wrote me little notes and drawings in the mornings, and during all of that he still looked at me and saw the girl he fell in love with. He never stopped looking at me as the most beautiful and amazing girl in the world. It was by far not an easy time in our lives, it was though also a very loving time. To be loved like that in such circumstances, I experienced true love. He is my hero, my love.

He is also my spiritual partner. We support each in other in remembering who we truly are. To move beyond the ego and come home in our hearts. Or as Abby Wambach says it: zero ego and all heart. So grateful to have a partner in this! I love that we get to share this ride. It deepens our connection even more.


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