It's my BIRTHDAY :)! Yes on Valentine! Also the bday of this blog now!

Photo by Roos Venema

Photo by Roos Venema

It’s my birthday, today on Valentine’s day. And I was feeling what better day than today to give birth to a blog about selflove than the day of love. Which is also my birthday. Doesn’t get better than that right?!

So today I give you CRAZY BRIGHT LIGHT.

A blog about coming home and staying home in my own heart.

I just want to say welcome firstly! Exciting, the beginning of a new adventure. I’m curious to see what will unfold. I love doing something new and similtaneously also hate it a little bit haha. You know what I’m talking about right?! It’s exciting and a little nerve racking. Let’s just say that’s what also makes it fun. At least it’s not boring :). And on this day of love a couple of butterflies flying around in my tummy are only fitting I feel.

Just a little tour now then. You can read more about why selflove came to be such a topic for me in: about and my first blog Mastery of life. The other posts are little get-to-know-me’s. There I share some of the joys of my heart. The people whom I adore, what I love doing, what’s fun for me and other little insights of me. Just to say hello :)!

I hope you’ll enjoy Crazy Bright Light. Welcome and have fun!

May you shine like crazy!



PS: The next blog will be posted on friday February the 21th. To be updated when a new blog drops and other Crazy news follow me on insta @_annahu, FB @love.annahu or subscribe to the Crazy newsletter.


Mastery of life


Intention for 2020