Thank you Family


Meet my family: my mom and dad, big sis and two younger brothers.

Family, Oprah says it the most complicated word in the world. It has a complexity, family. For me it has been. They have challenged me and god knows I have been a major challenge for them :). And yet there is love and deep connection. They are the people who have known me since birth. They have seen me grow up, as I have been witness to their coming of age.

We have disagreed, a lot. I mean very very very often almost always disagreed. We have not seen eye to eye on almost every subject there is. Not my dream vocation, where to live, who to date, even my hair is a topic of discussion.

Yet I owe my family the deepest of gratitude. They have been my ultimate and greatest teachers. Through it all, they helped me the most, to become who I truly am. And for that, and the love that is beneath it all, I am forever grateful and appreciative.



Auntie Mama


What makes me laugh